Friday, 20 March 2009

Snowman says: "I'm in like with you"

It's been a while but there's a lot of things driving me crazies!

I had to assert my feelings, but how can one assert feelings they refuse to have. It's hard but I had to do it.
The bad part comes now, deciding whether to tell him or keep it to myself.

I've gotten a million suggestions some of my personal favorites:

*"Next time you're alone with him, kiss him and walk away"

*"Don't tell him, Flirt and make it obvious and if he doesn't get it it's his problem"

*"Tell him, He'll never get it unless you tell him"

*" Make a snowman in the front of his apartment, make it's face with licorice, lick the licorice till it's slimy and use it to write on the snowman but write something like : ^I'm in like with you^"

*" Rent a midget from this place that I know, give the midget an ukulele and just glide him down his chimney and have him sit a the edge of his bed and wake him up with a sweet ukulele/kazoo song about how you're in like with him"

*" Just push the e-stop when you're in the front cab with him and rape him"

So many suggestions, what to do?

All I think about is how horrible things went last time I told a guy that I liked him.

I'm gonna have to choose to say phuket and let it be as it is.

If anything it's their loss!
I got to admit teh snowman thing is a pretty good idea shows dedication!

off to explore CiCi's!!

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